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Monday, October 01, 2007

At the age of sweet sixteen

At the age of sixteen, he was a school going young hacker. If the society was to let him go in his own way, he would have been caught by FBI or FBI would be searching for him, now. One Mr. Firas Bushnaq, being impressed with the boy’s skill, gave him a job in his eCompany. All his capabilities that remained impaired were directed into a creative path. It appeared to them that risk and protection against the risk of all information that is present in the digital form at the length and breadth of the internet is going to be a very important and booming field. As a result, eeye organization was established.

What I have been saying this far is about the 26 year old Marc Maiffret who calls himself as “Chief Hacking Officer”.
Now, their service has become very popular. They are the people who cautioned in advance about Code Red and Sasser that attacked like a tsunami in 2001.

Even today, before the risk visits the door step, they give report to companies such as Microsoft about the bugs and loop holes present in popular software programs. These are called the zero day attacks. They carry out a lot of research activities for giving protection like this by preventing the risk in advance. It is said that if you install their free (for one year) Blink software in your computer, that will eliminate the troubles that are currently present in the computer and the ones that are likely to occur in future. Microsoft releases its security patches only on every second Tuesday. Even before they release, these people identify the bugs present in Windows and IE and release immediately the remedial patch for the problems. Isn’t it quite interesting?

Now, Marc Maiffret has grown up to the extent of offering consultancy to FBI. He has given lectures in American Congress on IT security, twice. When talking about himself, he says "It's inspiring that some kid [who] didn't even finish high school actually worked hard enough and believed enough to get where I am today,".

Download Free Blink software Here

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