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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
"Free Mega Domain name tools list and Get Free traffic to your site" Site
Posted by PKP at 9/27/2006 02:25:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 25, 2006
How to configure Altaddr
Altaddr /SET x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
where x.x.x.x is the private address of the citrix server and the y.y.y.y
address is the public address assigned to the Citrix server via NAT.
For drive mapping.
Ifmember utility can be used.
Modify the logon script.
Add environmental variable system path for Ifmember.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:46:00 PM 0 comments
How to move a server from one Citrix farm to other Citrix farm.
Go to command line and type chfarm
And provided the following information.
Clear default zone name and type in
Choose SQL server and type in DBserver FQDN
Choose SQL authentication
User name password
Make sure in the client configuration TCPIP is selected.
Test the connectivity.
Type in farm name as user name and type in the password.
If required change to the correct Farm metric server.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:45:00 PM 0 comments
To disable close warning on Exceed
Optional changes on EXCEED
To disable close warning and to enable auto Exit ---
Run Exceed, right click on Exceed go to tools-configuration-Screen definition-common settings
Make sure Exit on Server Reset selected and Close warning on exit deselected.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:44:00 PM 0 comments
Windows cannot update your roaming profile
Getting User Environment error when exiting published app “Windows cannot copy file x:\documents and settings\....\Vmware\hgfs.dat to location \\server\...\VmWare\hgfs.dat”
Registry fix need to be applied as per VmWare tech support white paper.
Windows Guest Cannot Update hgfs.dat
When I log off from a terminal server in a virtual machine, why do I get these messages?
Windows cannot copy file C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\VMware\hgfs.dat to \\
Windows cannot update your roaming profile. Reason: The process cannot access the file because the file is being used by another process.
If you use Terminal Services (TS) to connect to a virtual machine running a terminal server, and you have the roaming profiles feature enabled, TS caches your profile in the virtual machine for the duration of your TS session. When you log off
at the end of the session, TS tries to rewrite your profile to the roaming profile server.
If you also have the VMware shared folders feature enabled in the virtual machine, TS tries to copy the file hgfs.dat back to the roaming profile server. This operation fails because VMware Tools keeps the file open with exclusive access; the file cannot be accessed by the Windows guest. This results in the error messages you have seen.
These messages are seen only by the first user to log on through TS; subsequent logons do not cause the user profiles to be cached, because the shared folders feature was not designed for concurrent session access.
You can safely ignore the failure to copy the roaming profile, but you may lose changes to your shared folder mappings that were made in the current session.
The shared folders feature is not supported by ESX Server or GSX Server, but is enabled when you install VMware Tools with the Complete option. The feature is not enabled when you install VMware Tools with the Typical option under these products.
You can work around the problem by changing a value in this registry key:
The workaround disables the VMware shared folders feature in the virtual machine. Since the feature is not supported by ESX Server or GSX Server, disabling it is not a problem. However, if you migrate the virtual machine to Workstation, you will not
have access to VMware shared folders unless you re-enable the feature.
Caution: This procedure involves modifying the registry. Incorrect changes to the registry can leave your system unstable or unable to run. Always back up the registry before editing it and exercise caution in making changes to the registry. VMware takes no responsibility for problems that may arise.
Access the Windows Registry. Choose Start > Run, then type regedit. The Registry Editor window opens.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order\.
Right-click ProviderOrder and choose Modify. In the Edit String Value dialog box, edit the value data string and remove the word hgfs.
For example, if the value data string contains LanmanWorkstation,hgfs then change it to LanmanWorkstation.
If the value data string contains only hgfs, then erase it and leave the value data string empty. Click OK. Close the registry editor. Choose File > Exit.
Reboot the virtual machine. If you ever want to re-enable the VMware shared folders feature, add ,hgfs to the end of the value data string, or set the string to hgfs if it is empty. Alternatively, you can reinstall VMware Tools, using the Complete option to re-enable shared folders.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:41:00 PM 0 comments
Blue screen when accessing application via NFuse
Blue screen when accessing application via NFuse, through Citrix published application. Process would hang. Apply the following patches to the server in the order listed below. You need to get it from vendors.
1. Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 v2 (KB891861 v2)
2. TS W2k – Post SP4 Rollup (KB904711 v2)
3. Windows Installer 3.0 Redistributable (KB884016 v2)
4. Citrix MetaFrame XP FR3 Sp4 (mfxpsp4.msp)
5. Citrix MetaFrame XP SP4 Rollup Hotfix (XE104W2KR01.msp)
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:41:00 PM 0 comments
Overseas Citizen of India-OCI-Simplified
OCI/PIO Some times known as dual citizenship. But its not. It’s basically multi entry visa. PIO is a card while OCI is a registration certificate booklet and with U visa sticker on your passport.
Most people are in confuse whether to go for “Person of Indian Origin” (PIO) Cards or “Overseas Citizen of India” (OCI) Cards.Both cards are available from Indian government for Indian origin people who lives abroad.
Here I list what’s the difference between PIO and OCI- PIO or OCI
(i) An OCI is entitled to life long visa with free travel to India
Whereas for a PIO card holder, it is only valid for 15 years.
(ii) A PIO cardholder is required to register with local Police
authority for any stay exceeding 180 days in India on any single
visit whereas an OCI is exempted from registration with Police
authority for any length of stay in India.
(iii) An OCI gets a specific right to become an Indian Citizen as in
31, whereas the PIO card holder does not have this.
OCI application form can be filled and submitted on line.
Part A of the application form can be filed online. Upon submission of Part A online, (use this link http://ociindia.nic.in/ociindia/OnlineOCIRegistrationG.jsp)
Part B is downloaded instantly and it can be printed on computer or by hand in Block letters. Printed Part A and Part B of the application form has to be submitted to the Indianembassy.
Applicant need not to go in person to submit the application Sent by post is accepted
You need standard US passport size photo some numbers.
Documents to be submitted with the application?
1. Proof of present citizenship
2. Evidence of self or parents or grand parents, being a citizen of India on or after 26th January, 1950
Like copy of the passport or school certificate, land ownership
certificate, birth certificate etc
3. Evidence of relationship as parent/grand parent, if their Indian
origin is claimed as basis for grant of OCI.
4. Application fee by way of Demand Draft (US $ 275 for each
applicant or equivalent in local currency; US $ 25 or equivalent in
local currency for each PIO card holder)
5. PIO card holders should submit a copy of his/her PIO card.
All documents are to be self attested (means singnature of the applicant)though all the US based consulates want notarized (means get signature from a notary public person like from a bank)copies. Remember you have to send in two copies of each document. Most US embassies want one set to be notarized and the other can be a copy of the notarized set (a Xerox of the notarized Xerox).
Where to submit the application?
Local Indian embassy.
If you are in India, to the FRRO Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai,
Kolkota or Amritsar or to the Under Secretary, OCI Cell, Citizenship
section, Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA),
Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi-110011.
Maximum time expected for registration is 120 days.
If you are holding PIO currently, PIO card will have to be surrendered to the Indian
Mission/Post/MHA for grant of OCI registration certificate and an OCI ‘U’ visa sticker.
A registration certificate booklet and a multiple entry, multi-purpose OCI ‘U’ visa sticker will be pasted on the passport . For this , you have to send your original passport to the Indian Mission/Post after receipt of the acceptance letter/ verifying the status of the application online.Online status enquiry http://ociindia.nic.in/ociindia/OnlineOCIenquiry.jsp
In case of applications filed in India with FRRO, applicants should go to the concerned FRRO in person/ authorized person with passport. In case of applications filed in India with MHA, applicants should go to OCI Cell, MHA, New Delhi in person/ authorized person withpassport.
OCI Links
OCI vs PIO comparison chart
More Info
pio vs oci india citizen card
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:36:00 PM 0 comments