Have you ever seen when YouTube servers are down?
Here is the screen shot that’s how the site looks like when they do scheduled shutdown maintenance of their servers.
Have you ever seen when YouTube servers are down?
Here is the screen shot that’s how the site looks like when they do scheduled shutdown maintenance of their servers.
Posted by PKP at 12/21/2006 02:51:00 PM 0 comments
The journaling provided by the ext3 file system means that file system check is no longer necessary after an unclean system shutdown.
Posted by PKP at 12/11/2006 03:36:00 PM 0 comments
The steps for creating an ext3 file system are as follows:
1. Create the partition using parted or fdisk.
2. Format the partition with the ext3 file system using mkfs.
3. Label the partition using e2label.
4. Create the mount point.
5. Add the partition to the /etc/fstab file.
Posted by PKP at 12/11/2006 03:33:00 PM 0 comments
In many cases, the GRUB boot loader can mistakenly be deleted, corrupted, or replaced by other
operating systems.
The following steps detail the process on how GRUB is reinstalled on the master boot record:
Boot the system from an installation boot medium.
Type linux rescue at the installation boot prompt to enter the rescue environment.
Type chroot /mnt/sysimage to mount the root partition.
Type /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda to reinstall the GRUB boot loader, where /dev/hda is
the boot partition.
Review the /boot/grub/grub.conf le, as additional entries may be needed for GRUB to control
additional operating systems.
Reboot the system
Posted by PKP at 12/11/2006 03:32:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by PKP at 12/08/2006 12:06:00 PM 0 comments
A small php script that counts how many visitors are currently online on your site. It works without any database (without mysql wow), requires no configuration and has auto referesh system.Great freeware script.Its called “How Many Online”and a simple real time counter shows online visitors on any website, uses a text file for data handling.There is a Spanish Version aswell.
Direct download here
Product page
Another Easy tool to show on your blogger how many users online use twospot following service.Its great and very Easy.Trust me. :)
More Free services
Posted by PKP at 11/02/2006 04:27:00 PM 0 comments
Imagicon is a graphics utility designed to convert multiple image files from BMP, JPG or PNG image formats into any of the following image formats (24-bit): Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (BMP), Independent JPEG Group (JPG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG) and Windows Icon (ICO). Options are available to transform images and enable alpha transparency of icons. The interface window of Imagicon can be personalized with custom designs. The user can select to save icons with the following dimensions in pixels: 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, 64 x 64 and 128 x 128. Imagicon also features the ability to drag ‘n’ drop multiple images for faster processing. Full instructions are included with the software, explaining each of the possible settings and the function that they do.
Direct download here
Product Page
Posted by PKP at 11/02/2006 04:25:00 PM 0 comments
Ceedo has prepared a software Hotfix for FireFox installation.
This update is a patch and will be replaced in the future with a Generic solution embedded in Ceedo platform.
If you install FireFox from Ceedo Programs Directory (the Add Programs menu on Ceedo) the new installation there already includes this fix since September 12, 2006.
If FireFox is already installed on your drive and you have this problem then you need to go to the following link and run the Hotfix.
This Hotfix can be launched only from a MS IE browser activated from inside ceedo, a browse that have the little Ceedo icon on the caption bar of the window.
Posted by PKP at 10/03/2006 04:54:00 PM 0 comments
I found this great RSS aggregator "firstRSS", easy and simple plug-in for any word press blogs. Just paste a code on your post, it just start works. But I came through lot of trouble to make it work. People said "a monkey can make it work”. It did not work for me. That was good. After hours of investigation I found some interesting stuffs.
The problem was ‘powered by firstRSS' shows in the post but no RSS content.
Step one: First try this RSS feed before trying any other RSS feeds. http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml
Because it seems like not all kind of feeds are supported by firstRSS. Now you are sure whether the problem is with the feed or not
Step two: If the above given feed is not working for you that mean something wrong with your hosting provider. They are not supporting "fopen" because of security reasons. "fopen" is something to do with PHP. So try to fix it with your hosting provider (Edit php.ini?) or better think about a different hosting provider or think about a different aggregator tool.
I tried firstRSS with godaddy. It was not working. So I guess if you have hosted it on godaddy firstRSS may not work. I tried asmallorange.com a really cheap hosting provider. It works fine now.
So I guess you got me. Try it. If got any trouble let me know. I share it with my experience try it with your own risk. No guarantee.:)
Get this tool from here http://www.underjc.com/?page_id=15
Posted by PKP at 10/02/2006 10:07:00 AM 0 comments
Just launched a site for Free Mega Domain name tools list and Free traffic to your site web site.
Have a look and let me know your feedback.
Posted by PKP at 9/27/2006 02:25:00 PM 0 comments
Altaddr /SET x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
where x.x.x.x is the private address of the citrix server and the y.y.y.y
address is the public address assigned to the Citrix server via NAT.
For drive mapping.
Ifmember utility can be used.
Modify the logon script.
Add environmental variable system path for Ifmember.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:46:00 PM 0 comments
Go to command line and type chfarm
And provided the following information.
Clear default zone name and type in
Choose SQL server and type in DBserver FQDN
Choose SQL authentication
User name password
Make sure in the client configuration TCPIP is selected.
Test the connectivity.
Type in farm name as user name and type in the password.
If required change to the correct Farm metric server.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:45:00 PM 0 comments
Optional changes on EXCEED
To disable close warning and to enable auto Exit ---
Run Exceed, right click on Exceed go to tools-configuration-Screen definition-common settings
Make sure Exit on Server Reset selected and Close warning on exit deselected.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:44:00 PM 0 comments
Getting User Environment error when exiting published app “Windows cannot copy file x:\documents and settings\....\Vmware\hgfs.dat to location \\server\...\VmWare\hgfs.dat”
Registry fix need to be applied as per VmWare tech support white paper.
Windows Guest Cannot Update hgfs.dat
When I log off from a terminal server in a virtual machine, why do I get these messages?
Windows cannot copy file C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\VMware\hgfs.dat to \\
Windows cannot update your roaming profile. Reason: The process cannot access the file because the file is being used by another process.
If you use Terminal Services (TS) to connect to a virtual machine running a terminal server, and you have the roaming profiles feature enabled, TS caches your profile in the virtual machine for the duration of your TS session. When you log off
at the end of the session, TS tries to rewrite your profile to the roaming profile server.
If you also have the VMware shared folders feature enabled in the virtual machine, TS tries to copy the file hgfs.dat back to the roaming profile server. This operation fails because VMware Tools keeps the file open with exclusive access; the file cannot be accessed by the Windows guest. This results in the error messages you have seen.
These messages are seen only by the first user to log on through TS; subsequent logons do not cause the user profiles to be cached, because the shared folders feature was not designed for concurrent session access.
You can safely ignore the failure to copy the roaming profile, but you may lose changes to your shared folder mappings that were made in the current session.
The shared folders feature is not supported by ESX Server or GSX Server, but is enabled when you install VMware Tools with the Complete option. The feature is not enabled when you install VMware Tools with the Typical option under these products.
You can work around the problem by changing a value in this registry key:
The workaround disables the VMware shared folders feature in the virtual machine. Since the feature is not supported by ESX Server or GSX Server, disabling it is not a problem. However, if you migrate the virtual machine to Workstation, you will not
have access to VMware shared folders unless you re-enable the feature.
Caution: This procedure involves modifying the registry. Incorrect changes to the registry can leave your system unstable or unable to run. Always back up the registry before editing it and exercise caution in making changes to the registry. VMware takes no responsibility for problems that may arise.
Access the Windows Registry. Choose Start > Run, then type regedit. The Registry Editor window opens.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order\.
Right-click ProviderOrder and choose Modify. In the Edit String Value dialog box, edit the value data string and remove the word hgfs.
For example, if the value data string contains LanmanWorkstation,hgfs then change it to LanmanWorkstation.
If the value data string contains only hgfs, then erase it and leave the value data string empty. Click OK. Close the registry editor. Choose File > Exit.
Reboot the virtual machine. If you ever want to re-enable the VMware shared folders feature, add ,hgfs to the end of the value data string, or set the string to hgfs if it is empty. Alternatively, you can reinstall VMware Tools, using the Complete option to re-enable shared folders.
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:41:00 PM 0 comments
Blue screen when accessing application via NFuse, through Citrix published application. Process would hang. Apply the following patches to the server in the order listed below. You need to get it from vendors.
1. Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 v2 (KB891861 v2)
2. TS W2k – Post SP4 Rollup (KB904711 v2)
3. Windows Installer 3.0 Redistributable (KB884016 v2)
4. Citrix MetaFrame XP FR3 Sp4 (mfxpsp4.msp)
5. Citrix MetaFrame XP SP4 Rollup Hotfix (XE104W2KR01.msp)
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:41:00 PM 0 comments
OCI/PIO Some times known as dual citizenship. But its not. It’s basically multi entry visa. PIO is a card while OCI is a registration certificate booklet and with U visa sticker on your passport.
Most people are in confuse whether to go for “Person of Indian Origin” (PIO) Cards or “Overseas Citizen of India” (OCI) Cards.Both cards are available from Indian government for Indian origin people who lives abroad.
Here I list what’s the difference between PIO and OCI- PIO or OCI
(i) An OCI is entitled to life long visa with free travel to India
Whereas for a PIO card holder, it is only valid for 15 years.
(ii) A PIO cardholder is required to register with local Police
authority for any stay exceeding 180 days in India on any single
visit whereas an OCI is exempted from registration with Police
authority for any length of stay in India.
(iii) An OCI gets a specific right to become an Indian Citizen as in
31, whereas the PIO card holder does not have this.
OCI application form can be filled and submitted on line.
Part A of the application form can be filed online. Upon submission of Part A online, (use this link http://ociindia.nic.in/ociindia/OnlineOCIRegistrationG.jsp)
Part B is downloaded instantly and it can be printed on computer or by hand in Block letters. Printed Part A and Part B of the application form has to be submitted to the Indianembassy.
Applicant need not to go in person to submit the application Sent by post is accepted
You need standard US passport size photo some numbers.
Documents to be submitted with the application?
1. Proof of present citizenship
2. Evidence of self or parents or grand parents, being a citizen of India on or after 26th January, 1950
Like copy of the passport or school certificate, land ownership
certificate, birth certificate etc
3. Evidence of relationship as parent/grand parent, if their Indian
origin is claimed as basis for grant of OCI.
4. Application fee by way of Demand Draft (US $ 275 for each
applicant or equivalent in local currency; US $ 25 or equivalent in
local currency for each PIO card holder)
5. PIO card holders should submit a copy of his/her PIO card.
All documents are to be self attested (means singnature of the applicant)though all the US based consulates want notarized (means get signature from a notary public person like from a bank)copies. Remember you have to send in two copies of each document. Most US embassies want one set to be notarized and the other can be a copy of the notarized set (a Xerox of the notarized Xerox).
Where to submit the application?
Local Indian embassy.
If you are in India, to the FRRO Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai,
Kolkota or Amritsar or to the Under Secretary, OCI Cell, Citizenship
section, Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA),
Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi-110011.
Maximum time expected for registration is 120 days.
If you are holding PIO currently, PIO card will have to be surrendered to the Indian
Mission/Post/MHA for grant of OCI registration certificate and an OCI ‘U’ visa sticker.
A registration certificate booklet and a multiple entry, multi-purpose OCI ‘U’ visa sticker will be pasted on the passport . For this , you have to send your original passport to the Indian Mission/Post after receipt of the acceptance letter/ verifying the status of the application online.Online status enquiry http://ociindia.nic.in/ociindia/OnlineOCIenquiry.jsp
In case of applications filed in India with FRRO, applicants should go to the concerned FRRO in person/ authorized person with passport. In case of applications filed in India with MHA, applicants should go to OCI Cell, MHA, New Delhi in person/ authorized person withpassport.
OCI Links
OCI vs PIO comparison chart
More Info
pio vs oci india citizen card
Posted by PKP at 9/25/2006 10:36:00 PM 0 comments
Secure / safe from virus,adware etc are the benefits when surfing in a virtual environment.Microsoft makes its Virtual PC 2004 product for free. Hopefully it would be better than other free virtualization products like SandBoxie and GreenBorder , for whatever reason they just won't run on some PCs.
Virtual PC is like VMWare, let you install another "virtual" computer on your real physical PC. You can use the virtual PC just like a normal computer.If there is a infection you can easily reset the virtual PC to a former pre-infection state.
You could, install free Linux distro like Ubuntu for your Virtual PC. However, if you are going to do that then you might as well use the VMWare Player a free product . You can't create a virtual PC with VMWare Player; it only allows you to run. But there are many pre-configured machines ("appliances") available for free download . You could also create an appliance using Virtual PC 2004 as VMWare Reader can use Virtual PC images.
Microsoft VirtualPC Download
VMWare Player Download
VMWare Appliances Directory
Posted by PKP at 8/22/2006 02:46:00 PM 0 comments
Dont panic.Here is a nice FAQ to read about Domain Names and Trademarks issues.
Have a look.
Domain Names and Trademarks FAQ
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Check the trademarked names list here to verify your name
Posted by PKP at 8/08/2006 04:32:00 PM 0 comments
There are no restrictions from ICANN on owning an accented letter domain name in .com [or.net]. In 2000, all the 170+ accented letters such as é,ó,ç,î,ž
became available for registration.
In some foreign countries those actually use these accented letters, there is a key right on the keyboard for it, and can be typed just like any other letter. All of these accented letters have a special code known as "punycode", which allow your web-browser to distinguish the accented letter from the regular letter. All 170+ single
accented letter domains are now registered.
See here list of IDN for sale
Posted by PKP at 8/08/2006 03:55:00 PM 0 comments
Source is dnforum.com
Civo com | $3,173 | Jun 06 | Sedo
Sori com | $3,200 | May 06 | SnapNames
Zoso com | $3,500 | May 06 | SnapNames
TESI com | $4,407 | May 06 | SnapNames
Muvo com | $5,100 | Jun 06 | SnapNames
Caco com | $5,300 | Jun 06 | SnapNames
Zong com | $10,000 | Feb 06 | Sedo
Azam com | $75,000 | Jul 06 | Private
Posted by PKP at 8/07/2006 06:45:00 PM 0 comments
It is not a advertisement.I just share a link with you.
Here is the link to get .com domains for just $6.95 from GoDaddy.Act now and SAVE OVER 20% on .COM names -- only $6.95/yr.So grab one name, grab 100 -- there's no limit to the number. But this special $6.95 offer expires August 15, 2006.
Posted by PKP at 8/07/2006 01:29:00 PM 0 comments
To find a high demand domain names as of now 2006 follow these rules
1.Avoid Using Numbers in Your Domain Name-Problem is you will continually have to tell the people its a number and not the word.
2.Avoid using Dashes and Underscores in Your Domain Name
3.Avoid using Abbreviations within Your Domain Name.
4.Avoid using Long Domain Names-with in 11 is good.
5.Ensure Your Domain Name is Not a Trademark Infringement
6.3 letter domain names
7.2 letter domain names
8.4 leter domain names
9.Domain names with traffic or PR ie page rank
10.Realestate related domain names
11..eu domain names
12.Poker,casino games related domain names
Read a another detailed appraisal guide here
Posted by PKP at 8/05/2006 12:59:00 PM 0 comments
Why a Penguin for Linux logo:
The competition to Windows and Mac OS, Linux also has a penguin as its logo (and mascot). Named 'Tux', the penguin was chosen from a list of sharks, foxes, eagles and hawks as the Linus Torvalds, the founder of Linux, had a liking for the bird and thought it to be unusual and different for a logo. While the other creatures were fierce and strong, Linus insisted on the penguin being “fat, cute and cuddly - instead of anything else. Incidentally the name 'Tux' was brought up from Torvalds UniX -TUX.
The official Linux Penguin chosen by Linus Torvalds is the image shown below, and is now distributed as part of the Kernel. The penguin was designed by Larry Ewing, and a variety of different images can be found on his web site.
Posted by PKP at 7/30/2006 10:08:00 AM 0 comments
If you are getting Irrelevant or not related ads advertisements on google adsense then check out this link
Posted by PKP at 7/30/2006 09:55:00 AM 0 comments
How to make a typo domain
The Microsoft research team described common mistakes people make when typing in a URL: missing dots (Newscom), transposition (Nwes.com), suffix replacement (News.net,) character omission (New.com), character insertion (Newws.com) and character replacement (Newz.com).
Posted by PKP at 7/30/2006 09:51:00 AM 0 comments
Cool cracks free serials keygens keys full downloads warez
Posted by PKP at 7/30/2006 09:30:00 AM 0 comments
There are 253,000+ non-IDN domains that are 32 characters or longer, including 538 that are 63 characters long.
As mentioned, 100% of 2 and 3 letter domain names are taken, but it starts to free up as the number of possibilities expodes, all the way up to 63-character domain names. The most popular registered domain name length is actually 11 characters long, tailing off from there.
The most common letter to start a domain is S, with relatively few domains starting with Q, X, Y or Z.
While the most common digit to start a domain is, unsurprizingly, 1.
Short domain names
Lengthy domain names
Interesting domain names
Interesting facts about domain name
Posted by PKP at 7/30/2006 09:18:00 AM 0 comments
DOTCENTER.COM you can search over 4,800,000 domain name sale offers from SEDO.com, Afternic.com, BuyDomains.com, DotBrokers.com, DotSellers.com and many others!
Reported hot Domain Sales weekly
Q. When the expired domain name will be deleted or available?
A. When the owner does not renew a domain, the registrar will put it on hold, usually for a couple of months, before finally letting it become available. Unfortunately, registrars keep expiring domains on hold for anything between two and six months, or even more. However, it is often possible to recognise domains that are just about to become available. When the registrar finally allows the domain to expire it is still retained in the shared registry for a further 5 or 6 days.
Posted by PKP at 7/23/2006 10:06:00 AM 0 comments
How to configured Exceed global security configuration.
From http://www.hummingbird.com/support/nc/exceed/exc8002734.html
1.Use the Xconfig utility to customize your Exceed preferences, this modifies your Exceed.xcfg file.
2.Copy your Exceed.xcfg file FROM
"C:\Documents and Settings\[current user]\Application Data\Hummingbird\Connectivity\8.00\Exceed\Exceed.xcfg"
TO "C:\Program Files\Hummingbird\Connectivity\8.00\Default User\Exceed".
3. Run "HumSettings.exe UPDATELASTMODIFIED=ExceedMP" (no quotes)
The Exceed.xcfg file will be copied to all the user's profile directories when they run Exceed.
Logon as local administrator search for all Exceed.xcfg file in the server and overwrite them with the modified Exceed.xcfg file.
Posted by PKP at 7/21/2006 10:26:00 AM 0 comments
What time or when internet .com .net .info .us etc domain name will be deleted?
According to some sources and also as per my experience I see expired domain names are getting deleted every day between 5:30 and 8:00 PM GMT (1:30 and 4:00 PM EST).
.ca expired domain names will be deleted between 2:00PM-3:00PM Ottawa time everyday .
Posted by PKP at 7/21/2006 10:21:00 AM 0 comments
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Posted by PKP at 7/20/2006 03:39:00 PM 0 comments
Search engines list
The main engines they submit to:
Google http://www.google.com/
Whatuseek http://www.whatuseek.com/
Wisenut http://www.wisenut.com/
ExactSeek http://www.exactseek.com/
Scrubtheweb http://www.scrubtheweb.com/
Jayde http://www.jayde.com/
In addition your site will be listed in the below Search Engines:
AOL Search http://search.aol.com/aolcom/webhome
HotBot http://www.hotbot.com/
Search.com http://www.search.com/
Metacrawler http://www.metacrawler.com/
Dogpile http://www.dogpile.com/
Mamma http://www.mamma.com/
C4 http://www.c4.com/
Canada.com http://www.canada.com/
ixquick http://www.ixquick.com/
Infogrid http://www.infogrid.com/
WebInfoSearch http://www.webinfosearch.net/
Fast Search (AllTheWeb.com) http://www.alltheweb.com/
Query Server http://www.queryserver.com/web.htm
800go http://800go.com/800go.html
Debriefing http://www.Debriefing.com
Highway 61 http://www.highway61.com/
37.com http://www.37.com/
OneSeek http://www.oneseek.com/
MetaSpider http://www.metaspider.com/
Vivisimo http://vivisimo.com/
PlanetSearch http://www.planetsearch.com/
surfwax http://www.surfwax.com/
qbSearch http://www.qbsearch.com/
ProFusion http://www.profusion.com/
Proteus http://www.thrall.org/proteus.html
Go 2 Net http://www.go2net.com/
MegaGo.com http://www.megago.com/
WebFile http://www.webfile.com/
myGO http://www.mygo.com/
Megacrawler http://www.megacrawler.com/
Search Climbers http://www.searchclimbers.com/
Posted by PKP at 7/20/2006 02:46:00 PM 0 comments
Problem is the AnywhereUSB drivers do not install on a VMWare ESX Server:
Here is steps for installing USB driver for ESX VMware Windows Guest Virtual Machine.
Since ESX Server does not provide direct support for USB, USB drivers are not installed in the guest operating system by default. Devices such as AnywhereUSB depends on the USB core files to install properly.
To enable the rest of the installation to proceed normally, copy and rename the required file
from the original operating system CD.
• Source: usbd.sy_ in the \I386 directory of the CD
• Destination: usbd.sys in the \system32\drivers directory of the guest operating
After copying this file, reboot the machine.
Posted by PKP at 7/20/2006 09:52:00 AM 0 comments
Mapping Parallel Ports in a Guest Virtual Machine
To connect the virtual machine's first parallel port (LPT1) to the physical computer's
first parallel port, do the following steps:
1. Reboot the physical host and go the BIOS setup. Normally, you do it by
pressing F2 or Delete while the machine is booting. Find the parallel port mode
setting and set it to PS/2. (The choices are AT and PS/2.) If PS/2 is not
available as an option, set it to bidirectional.
2. Log on to the console operating system as root and enter the following
/sbin/insmod parport
/sbin/insmod parport_pc
/sbin/insmod ppdev
Type lsmod and confirm that these modules are in the listing of loaded
To make these changes permanent, add the three lines shown above to the end
of the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
3. Be sure the virtual machine is shut down and powered off, then add the
following options to the virtual machine's configuration file.
• Add an option called parallel0.present and set its value to true.
• Add an option called parallel0.fileName and set its value to “/dev/
• Add an option called parallel0.bidirectional and set its value to
4. Be sure the virtual machine is using virtual hardware version 6. Look for the
following line in the configuration file:
config.version = 6
This line should already be present in the configuration file for any virtual
machine created with ESX Server 1.5.x. and later. If the virtual machine was
created under ESX Server 1.0 or 1.1 and has not already been updated, add the
config.version = 6 line to the configuration file.
Important: When the virtual machine starts after you update the virtual hardware
version, you see a dialog box with the message “The CMOS of this virtual
machine is incompatible with the current version of VMware ESX Server. A new
CMOS with default values will be used instead.” Click OK. As the virtual machine
starts, the guest operating system may detect new virtual hardware and install
drivers for it. Respond to any messages as you would if upgrading the hardware
on a physical computer.
5. Start the virtual machine using the remote console. As it starts to boot, click
inside the remote console window, then press F2 to enter the virtual machine's
BIOS setup. Go to the Advanced I/O Device Configuration section and configure
the parallel port mode for the virtual machine to bidirectional.
Now your virtual machine can use a dongle or other parallel port device.
Important: As you start the virtual machine, you may see a message warning that the
parallel port is starting disconnected. If you do, connect to the virtual machine with a
remote console and use the remote console's Devices menu to connect the parallel
Important: Only one operating system can be connected to the parallel port at one time.
Posted by PKP at 7/19/2006 09:34:00 AM 0 comments
GDP GOOD DOCUMENTATION PRACTICES mostly followed in pharma industries because of FDA (Food and Drug Administrations) regulations.
Its benifit is ALCOA-Attributable,Legible,Contemporaness,Original and Acurate
GDP is not for emails,project plans,financial reports,legal contacts and powerpoint presentations.
Page numbering format should be like "Page 3 of 57"
Date format should be ddmmmyyyy like "09 mar 2004 13:23:45 EST"
Document stages: Prepared,Reviewed and Approved
That is draft,approved/final,withdrawn/superseded.
Posted by PKP at 7/18/2006 04:01:00 PM 0 comments
CHI Institute articles Archives. Most of the information found here have been gathered from a variety of sources spanning the IT spectrum. Feel free to read and print any of the articles; just remember, most are copyrighted.
Topics are like
Posted by PKP at 7/17/2006 08:24:00 PM 0 comments
Acronis True Image Server for Windows 9.1- Acronis Universal Restore
allows you to restore the complete machine image to different hardware or to a virtual machine, providing complete disaster recovery.Yes Hardware-independent live system restore. No HAL (hardware abstraction layer) headaches.
Posted by PKP at 7/12/2006 03:46:00 PM 0 comments
How to disable, and enable, the Shutdown Event Tracker in Windows 2003, as well as how to view Shutdown Event Tracker events.
Posted by PKP at 7/10/2006 11:42:00 PM 0 comments
VMWare GSX and workstation support USB hence those VMs support USB based dongles and devices.But ESX doest support USB hence its VMs dont support USB based dongles and devices.So you cannot map physical usb with the ESX based virtual machine (ie) guest machine.
1.Consider LPT/Parallel port mapping.It is supported on ESX.Check esx25admin.pdf manual from vmware website.So LPT based Hardware Keys are better as of now.(Important:Now a days servers are coming with out LPT/Parallel ports.Be aware)
2.go for USB over IP options like USB over network http://www.usb-over-network.com/usb-over-network.html
3.Anywhere USB http://www.digi.com/products/usb/anywhereusb.jsp
4.go for physical server. :)
Posted by PKP at 7/07/2006 09:41:00 AM 0 comments
Here is step by step installation procedure for Documentum Content Server.
I know its quite complicated procedure.Be sure about class path and also about the 9 th step.All the best.
Procedure:1.Install Windows 2000 with SP 4
2.Install IE6 with SP 1
3.Install Sun JRE 1.4.2,Ms Office,Acrobat Reader.
4.Install MS Sql 2000 (Full Installation ---custom---us english keyboard----mixed mode auth----with case sensitive mode)
5.Install MS Sql 2000 SP3a
6.Configure a ODBC datasource for SQL Server-Control panel
7.Install Content server
8.Install Application Installer
9.Install Default DocApp for every DocBase
10.Install Documentum Desktop
11.Install Tomcat 4.1
12.Install Webtop.Start Tomcat using startup script.
13.Install Documentum Administrator
Environmental variables
CATALINA_HOME C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1
ClassPath C:\Program Files\Documentum\dctm.jar;
C:\Program Files\Documentum\java\1.5.0_02\bin;
C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared\log4j.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_02
DM_HOME C:\Documentum\product\5.3
DOCUMENTUM C:\Documentum
FASTSEARCH C:\Documentum\fulltext\IndexServer
JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Documentum\java\1.4.2_04
Posted by PKP at 4/14/2006 09:25:00 AM 0 comments